Thursday, January 20, 2011

Always Ahead Of Her Time

For some reason Mom and I both looked at this and thought of this blog. Maybe because it's red. Maybe because it makes us laugh a lot.

Maybe because we both know undoubtedly, that at some point, Gran's hair must have been this particular shade of Raggedy-Ann, Cherry Koolaid red, likely leading to hours on the phone to the Loreal colour correction hotline. I suspect mine has too.

Rihanna's new do


  1. This just may be Sheila's new wig. I highly recommend it. I'm thinking of getting one myself, to hide my wrinkles.

  2. Gran could totally rock this, but her hair would be 4 times the size of her.

    Aunty - Go to the top of the page - on the blue bar there is an option on the left that says "follow" - click that and you should be able to sign up to follow the blog. That way you can get posts emailed to you and your name will come up when you comment.
